IBERCLEAR is granted CSDR licence

23 September, 2019

Iberclear, BME’s Spanish Central Securities Depository, has been granted authorisation to continue operating under the EU's Central Securities Depository Regulation (CSDR), a new set of regulations aimed at improving the settlement of securities in the EU.

Iberclear thus joins other European central securities depositories already operating under the new criteria. The European Regulation seeks shorter settlement periods, higher security levels through the introduction of a settlement discipline and control regime and a more exhaustive supervision of the governance and functioning of depositories.

 “With this license Iberclear continues contributing actively to the efforts made to harmonise post-trade in Europe, taking another step forward to guarantee access to the capital markets for issuers and participants while BME delivers on another fundamental pillar of its Strategic Plan,” stated Jesús Benito, CEO of Iberclear.

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[ https://www.iberclear.es ]