
Beneficial Owners Identification

Iberclear, offers a range of shareholder and final beneficial owner identification services as well as a specific final beneficiary identification service.  

These service of beneficial owners identification complements the current shareholder identification service. In these cases, the request for information made to Iberclear by the issuers relates to the identification of data on the final beneficiaries. Iberclear will send such requests via its participants, which will forward them to the intermediaries, following the chain of custody. Iberclear will receive the information provided by the intermediaries and forward it to the issuer.

The intermediaries, directly or through an authorised third party, will be able to submit the information on the identity of the final beneficiaries to Iberclear, using the relevant communication channels:

  • SWIFTNet FINplus (DN: ou=xxx,o=ibrcesmm,o=swift)
  • Direct connectivity through SFTP protocol
  • Direct connectivity through SFTP protocol of a Iberclear´s participant entity of Iberclear

Service for Issuers: Comunication of ownerships at request

PR510 - Communication of Ownerships at Request


Seev.048 & Seev.049                 Seev.045                  Seev.046                   Seev.047 

HTITU12                                      HTITU13                  Head001

Connectivity with Iberclear

Connectivity Request Form   (Production environment)

Connectivity Request Form (Test environment)

SRD2 Connectivity Specifications

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